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The St. Padre Pio Foundation

For 19 years the Padre Pio Foundation has been caring for the homeless and those who are at risk of homelessness on their way to self-reliance.

Why are we doing this?

Political changes, which took place in Poland 30 years ago, have caused thousands of people to lose their jobs and homelessness has become a social problem. The consequences of those events are still visible today – currently estimates show there are over 30 000 homeless people in Poland. In Cracow alone, about 2300 people live without home. They are often left to their own – without home, job or their loved ones. 

How do we help?

The St. Padre Pio Foundation is a modern, up-to-date Caring Centre in Poland. Homeless people can get both the everyday help – take a shower, eat a hot meal, do the laundry – and long-term support from specialists such as social workers, psychotherapists, lawyers, and career advisers. This comprehensive assistance is based on an individual approach to every person in need, making real changes to their lives.

At present, we support more than 1600 homeless people on their way to be independent.

You too, can help change their future and make the world a better place for them.

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